Nature's Wellness Market

5 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and How to Add it to Your Diet

Coconut oil has been a staple in health food stores across the nation for many decades, and now free publicity across social media has brought coconut oil into contemporary vogue. This potent substance is extracted from coconut meat. Like olive oil, it is a tasty alternative to vegetable oils and cooking grease while it boasts all sorts of cosmetic uses as well. It is one of the best all natural supplements consumers can incorporate into their diets.

Natural Sweetener

Many South Asian curries derive their unique flavor from coconut milk and oil. Coconut oil is also responsible for that addictive flavor in movie popcorn. While consumers should know coconut oil contains a high amount of saturated fat, so must be used sparingly, it is so rich only a dab is necessary to sweeten foods. Its dual ability to add cream and sweetness makes it a perfect substitute for vegan and lactose-intolerant diets. Use it in oatmeal and baked recipes.

Supports Dieters

Coconut oil’s high fat content can work in dieters’ favor. Some fat is necessary to feel full, and steamed vegetables and fish often lack that punch people need to feel satisfied. A little coconut oil added to vegetables, fish and other light meals increases the odds of feeling full longer, without nutrition-sparse substances like butter and vegetable oil. Pair coconut oil-based meals with a natural fat burner and energy support supplement to increase chances of diet success.


key components in coconut oil include antimicrobial lipids and lauric acids. These elements have antibacterial and antifungal properties making it great for fighting off harmful bacteria and protozoa. Overall, your immune system with strengthen and you can become better equipped to fighting off diseases and infections.

Encourages Regularity

No one likes to be irregular. However, it happens: long workdays lead to eating out and ordering in the office, a vacation brings gluttonous indulgence, the farmer’s market sold out of kale and locally-grown apples. When this unfortunate situation hits, it can be miserable.

Coconut oil is an amazing alternative to over-the-counter laxatives, which bring unbearable stomach pain before relief. Swirl it into soups, rice dishes and couscous recipes. A spoonful at night or generous smear on whole grain bread at breakfast will move through and clean the colon gently. Natural supplements for digestion can be used in combination with coconut oil to eliminate such discomforts.

Promotes Beauty Naturally

Coconut oil goes between the kitchen and the bathroom effortlessly. The high natural fat content resists the oxidizing process that spoils most foods. A jar among the bathroom’s cosmetics will not go rancid for months. Coconut oil’s dense richness is an effective skin soother and dry skin formula without the additives, preservatives, unnatural coloring and artificial scents in department store moisturizers and lotions.

For shinier and fuller tresses, coconut oil may be used topically as a conditioner or hot oil treatment as well.